A turnkey solution
Personalized at scale to each caregiver
Our tech-enabled dementia care program includes personalized health education, access to resources, and care navigator coaching that supports and activates the caregiver. It’s easy to implement, leads to meaningful cost savings, and improves patient outcomes.
Schedule a meetingLeave enrollment to us
We independently identify and enroll family
caregivers into our program.
We analyze claims data, or use an enrollment file, to identify members who have Alzheimer’s or dementia.
We apply our predictive models to prioritize enrollment
Our enrollment team conducts outreach to eligible members and their caregivers using approved marketing materials.
We obtain member (or POA) consent prior to allowing any caregiver to begin their Ceresti's Caregiver-Enabled Care Program.
Personalization drives engagement
We analyze claims data and risk factors to learn about every patient’s and caregiver’s situation.
We send caregivers a tablet and introduce them to their personal care navigator (coach).
Our care navigator supports the caregiver and proactively communicates with them weekly.
Optimized for ease of use
The Ceresti provided tablet is specifically designed for spousal caregivers and adult children.
Our app has been optimized for use by caregivers, regardless of their ability to use technology. In addition to a simple-to-use interface, we train caregivers on how to use the Ceresti tablet.
WiFi is not required, as we provide a cell-enabled tablet as part of a caregiver's caregiver-enabled care program. The Ceresti tablet is configured to display only the Ceresti app.
Supports multiple languages
Ceresti employs bilingual coaches, and our educational content is available to caregivers in multiple languages. We utilize interpreter services for languages where we do not have a bilingual coach.
Did you know?
People living with dementia incur 27% of all Medicare hospitalizations. The real costs of dementia are often invisible; however, when made visible, dementia is a top target for cost savings.
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